Betta fish Puffing out gills

May 1, 2019
Learned, so this works out

Indigenous to the rainforests in Western Africa. Our frogs, however, were born and raised in captivity on a farm as to not disrupt any natural habitats. As well, they should never be released into the wild.

Size: The species will not out-grow the EcoAquarium®, and as long as you do not over feed them, they will remain small, up to 1.5 inches/3.8cm, throughout their life.

Feeding: Diet includes dried mealworms and brine shrimp up to three times per week. If you purchase our specially formulated Funology Food Pellets, feed two (2) pellets per frog, two (2) times per week.

Water Temperature: Between 68F-84F (20C-29C).

Life Span: African dwarf frogs live on average, up to 2 to 3 years, and as longs as 5 or 6 years. In nature, a frog’s greatest concern is to eat and avoid being eaten. In the EcoAquarium®, there is no threat of predators, they have a clean habitat, and as long as they are cared for properly and provided love and nurturing, they will flourish much longer then they would in the wild.

Habits: Like any other amphibian, frogs breathe air. These frogs are no different, but they are aquatic frogs and remain in water all the time. You will see them often swim to the top for a breath of air. The frogs will shed their skin on occasion, making them appear “mossy” during the process. This is normal. The discarded skin will become part of the ecosystem food chain and does not need to be removed.

The Big fish in a small pond - or little fish in a small container, Bettas is a species in the gourami family and a colorful & popular aquarium fish.

Size: The species will not out-grow the aquarium, and as long as you do not over feed them, they will remain small, up to 1.5 inches/3.8cm, throughout their life.

Feeding: Bettas have upturned mouths and primarily feed on the water's surface. Diet includes dried mealworms and brine shrimp up to three times per week. Bettas need a diet high in protein and fiber to survive. If you purchase our specially formulated Food Pellets, feed two (2) pellets, three (3) times per week.

Water Conditions: A Betta has the unique ability to breathe oxygen directly from the air and also take in oxygen from its gills. As a result, bettas can sustain itself in stagnant, oxygen-deficient water. Bettas thrive in small spaces and poor water quality, doing best in small aquariums (two gallons or less) with regular water changes. The preferred water temperature for a betta is 76-82 degrees F.

Life Span: Bettas normally live 2 - 3 years, but there have been a few cases of bettas living well into their teens.

Habits: Males and females flare or puff out their gill covers (opercula) to appear more impressive, either to intimidate other rivals or as an act of courtship. Other reasons for flaring is when they are startled by movement or change of scene in their environments. Male Bettas are best isolated from one another. Males will occasionally even respond aggressively to their own reflections in a mirror.

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