09FEB 2025
Betta fish eating

Betta fish eating

I ve has my betta fish for 6 months now. It was doing just fine until a few (4-5) days ago. Suddenly it stopped eating. It also doesn t come to greet me in front of the tank like it used to. I won t say there s anything unusual about his swimming pattern, but he is jumpier than usual. Like if I put a finger in front of the tank where he is, he swims off really fast. He s never…

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03FEB 2025
What do Baby Betta fish eat?

What do Baby Betta fish eat?

By Nes Durand, Reprinted by Permission Spawning Spawning may take hours or even days after release - so don t be discouraged when you don t see them the first time (though checking on them a few hours after lights-out, being really quiet & lucky will often get you a sneak peek). During breeding…
Look for Mardaleishvili Medical Center

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28JAN 2025
TWO Betta fish

TWO Betta fish

Here’s my latest article on McKnight’s Long-Term Care News: More than 25% of the US population over the age of 65 years has diabetes and the numbers are far higher for those in long-term care. (Approximately one third of nursing home residents have diabetes.2) Diabetics often need to track their blood…
Soap 2 day offers an extensive collection of TV series.

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22JAN 2025
Betta fish mating season

Betta fish mating season

Visit a reputable breeder. Pet stores are often unsanitary and sell Betta fish too old to breed. Visit a breeder and ask a lot of questions. Try to determine how well the breeder understands the genetics of its Betta fish. If she seems knowledgeable, ask for suggestions about picking good pairs. While it is tempting to pick out fish that are bigger and brighter, these are often…

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16JAN 2025
Online Betta fish store

Online Betta fish store

The beautiful male Hifin Red-Eye Red Swordtail, shown above, is one species of Livebearer for sale in our online store. Guppies, Mollies, Platies, and Swordtails are all members of a group of fish that are called Livebearers, because the females of these species release live babies, while the females of most other species of fish release eggs that are then fertilized by males of…

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10JAN 2025
Betta fish fungus treatment

Betta fish fungus treatment

20% Auto Ship- Sign up for Auto Ship and have products conveniently delivered to you at the frequency you choose! Save 20% on your initial order and 5% on recurring orders. Plus enjoy free shipping on every Auto Ship order. Discounts will automatically apply at checkout once the customer has enrolled. Maximum value $150. Offer not valid on gift cards, gift certificates, previous…

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04JAN 2025
Betta fish ick treatment

Betta fish ick treatment

Ensure the Health of Your Fish with Fish Medications, Ick Treatments and Fish Medicine While the graceful movements and fluttering fins of pet fish never cease to fascinate and entertain people, an injured or sick fish may not be as entertaining or enjoyable to watch. Fortunately, there are fish medications available that have been developed to treat various fish diseases and infections…

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29DEC 2024
Pregnant Betta fish

Pregnant Betta fish

Pregnant guppy and guppy fry questions So I have 3 males and two females. My mom ignored me when I said 1 male and 3 females. So yeah. One of the females came pregnant. When I knew she could birth any day I separated her and the other female so she wouldn t be alone into another tank. And I woke up this morning to a few guppy fry. Without thinking I netted and cupped out 5 guppy…

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23DEC 2024
How to train a Betta fish?

How to train a Betta fish?

Following your finger Difficulty of teaching: 2.5/5 Description: This is one of those tricks where you either get it on your first try or your 100th try. However, it s also one of the most important tricks to teach your betta because once your betta knows how to follow your finger, it makes teaching new tricks easier. First, as a sort of pretest, place your finger on the outside…

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17DEC 2024
Betta fish no filter

Betta fish no filter

Betta are plentiful and inexpensive. Because of this, many people come to think of them as disposable fish. This attitude is terribly sad as the the Betta is actually one of the most beautiful freshwater fish available to the aquarists. It also has a very engaging personality. Below is a simple guide to caring for your Betta. Bright red Betta fish in a 10 gallon tank Betta love…

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11DEC 2024
Bringing home a Betta fish

Bringing home a Betta fish

Betta Fish Center > Purchasing Your Betta > Before You Bring Your New Betta Home - Read This There are specific steps to take when transporting your Betta from the pet store tank to your home aquarium. If you’ve purchased fish before, then you understand that it’s a process and the approach you take will determine the amount of stress you place on your new pet. Before…

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05DEC 2024
Can Betta fish see in the dark?

Can Betta fish see in the dark?

Can fish see in the dark? I get up really early in the morning so i turn their lights on (i have 2 tanks) to feed & then turn them off again before i leave for work. Does this confuse them? Also, if i feed them in the dark will they sense it & eat? I have guppies If I were you I would get a timer for the tank and set it for 8 hours a day. I had been turning my tank…

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