- Unfiltered water tanks are not preferred for housing of a Betta and if so, will require compulsory 50% water change twice week and complete water change once a week.
- Waste products from fishes produce ammonia which is harmful in even small amounts. The filter needs to be effective in its working to remove it immediately.
- Tank water cleaning for a filtered tank is easy in Betta with water change of 15-20% every week.
- Betta fishes are easily affected by change in water temperature and thus make it sure that the water you are adding has the same temperature as the one it is already in.
- Aquarium salt and water conditioners are good for Betta a they remove deadly toxins from the water. But, the amounts should be kept in regulation as they can harm the fish skin instead.
- Tank can be cleaned by using gravel vacuum cleaners and soft clothes but not with soap or cleaning chemical. The bacteria in the tank are good for the fish.
Food and Diet
- Betta fish is carnivorous and requires a high protein meat and fish based diet.
- Commercial pellets can be good food choice for Betta as it includes fish meat, blood worms, shrimp mixture.
- Betta fish can easily get constipated due to overfeeding. It does not have a control over its food cravings. So, keep a check on the amounts required for your Betta fish’s diet.
- Betta requires around 2-3 pellets twice a day and not over that. Remove any uneaten food immediately from the tank.
- Betta fish also likes snacks from time to time. They enjoy freeze dried or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimps and glass worms. Once a week is enough for them to avoid bloating.
Health and Sickness
- Betta fish are highly prone to diseases as they are sensitive and have their behavioural tantrums too which affect its health.
- The most common of the diseases are fin/tail rot and tail biting. They are mostly related to tank maintenance and can be cured easily.
- Temperature change causes a lot of sickness to the Betta out of which lethargy is the most common. Use of a heater is recommended in the tank always.
- Infections like white spots and parasite attack like ich are one of the deadly diseases for a Betta.
- The best treatment for any disease treatment for a Betta is to isolate it in a similar tank rather than treating it in the same tank.
- Tuberculosis is almost incurable in Betta fish.
- Just like any other fish sickness, Betta can be cured by similar treatments for a too. But, use of aquarium salts and Epsum salts is a better method to treat most of them.
Source: www.fishxperts.com