Bettas don't live in a vacuum, so if you are going to call yourself a betta hobbyist, you are going to have to familiarize yourself with all the STUFF you will have to, as some point, consider purchasing for your betta.
And there is a lot of STUFF.
How will you know what to put in your shopping cart and what to leave on the pet store shelves? So many products, so little budget, how can you choose? :) What does your betta really need and what is completely useless? What will you use on a regular basis and what will just sit at the bottom of a drawer for eternity?
Well, that is where I step in.
Behold, let confusion be immediately diffused, as I shed some (bright) light into the world of betta supplies and give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. Brand names, product description, in many cases approximate prices and even photos. So you will be able to recognize the products immediately when you go to the store ( I rule. :)) ).
Scroll down the page to read it all, or select (from the list to the left) the specific supplies you need and jump to that section.
You will love me forever for having put this page together. :)
All this valuable information, and more, right here on the Number One betta site of all times (shameless plugging)