Wild Bettas are usually considered any type of Betta that is found in the wild. Wild Bettas are extreme jumpers and will jump several inches out of the water. When keeping wilds, always have a tight fitting lid, and leave the water line a few inches below what you normally would have it at. Enjoy reading the article/s below. We hope it helps you in keeping your Bettas!
Splendens Complex
There are many different species of bettas. The Splendens complex is just one of 13+ complexes. The Splendens complex has 5 different species in it which are all interbreedable. Stiktos, Mahachai, Smaragdina, Imbellis, and Splendens are all members of the Splendens complex. Stiktos, Imbellis, Smaragdina, and Mahachai are more peaceful than Splendens, and males can be kept together in 20+ gallon tanks. With some more mild tempered Imbellis, it is possible to keep two pairs in a 15 gallon aquarium if it is heavily planted. All Bettas should be kept with plenty of cover, but you can get away without it if you are keeping the fish by themselves. If you are keeping them in groups, you should always give the fish lots of cover and hiding places in case of aggression. Splendens are the only one in their complex that require separate containers for the males. The Splendens complex all need the same temp and water parameters. The Splendens complex are all surface bubblenesters, and often build their nests under objects. Mahachai, Smaragdina, and Imbellis parents often raise their fry together. The females will not eat the eggs, and the males will often let them care for the fry with them. Stiktos is rare and not much is known about Stiktos. If you have any and know care, spawning, or other info on them, please post it on the guestbook.
The way to tell the difference between Imbellis, Smaragdina, Splendens, and Mahachai is by their gill plates, their anal fins, their body length and other things.
For ID pictures, please visit B. sp. Mahachai
B. Splendens B. Imbellis
Gill plate: 2 red verticle bars 2 blueish green verticle bars
Body: Standard Standard
Caudal fin (tail): Blue and red with no dots (both)
Size of unpaired fins: Standard (both)
B. Smaragdina B. sp. Mahachai
Gill plate: Mostly covered in green scales 2 green/blue verticle bars