When to feed Betta fish

June 4, 2016
3d Background Aquarium3
  1. Get your pea out of the freezer. Make sure you only get one pea because you will not feed your Betta fish a lot of peas as this can make it even more bloated.
  2. Put your pea in the microwave so that it can be soft enough for your Betta fish to eat. Make sure you only microwave your pea for only 30-60 seconds.
  3. Get your pea out of the microwave. Once you got the pea out, you can use a pair of tweezer and remove the skin part of the pea. You won't feed the skin part of the pea to your Betta, so you can dispose of it.
  4. Using your tweezers or your fingers, take a little part of the pea. You will not need a lot because if you did get a lot, your Betta fish will become more bloated.
  5. If your Betta fish has leftovers, get something that will take it out because it will decay in the water causing the water to be very dirty. You can use a net or something of that sort. Make sure you take out the leftover pea very gently so that you won't stress your Betta fish out.
  6. Keep feeding your Betta fish peas until he/she gets better.

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  • Keep feeding your Betta the part of the pea until he/she gets better.
  • Take out the leftover part of the pea to not make the tank water dirty.
  • During this entire process, make sure you do everything slowly so that you won't stress out your Betta fish.


  • Do not just leave the leftover part of the pea in the tank water because this can pollute the water.
  • Do not move to fast because this can stress out your Betta fish.
Source: www.wikihow.com
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