Betta Fish Care Infographic! A handy cheat sheet to benefit any keepers of the fabulous Siamese Fighting Fish!
Are You Taking Proper Care of Your Betta? The Betta Splendens – Sometimes known as the 'Siamese Fighting Fish' - is a beautiful, brightly colored species that's captured the nation's hearts and can be seen in living rooms and offices throughout the land.
However, its popularity is also due, in part, to the often touted reason that they are extremely hardy fish, very easy to care for, and require little to no consideration.
We've all seen the 'Betta-in-a-bowl, ' or a specimen seemingly swimming happily in little more than a large wine glass. We're told they can live in extremely small spaces and can breathe air like we do, so there's no need to filter or aerate their water.
But is this the truth? Do betta fish require little more than a cup full of water and the occasional food pellet to survive? This infographic, courtesy of Brian from ItsAFishThing.com, details the correct way to care for betta fish, giving them exactly what they need to thrive.
For first time owners, this betta care infographic is an excellent all in one cheat sheet that will arm you with the knowledge to make the right decisions when setting up and maintaining your first betta tank. For everyone else, it's a good reminder of what you should be doing, while hopefully dispelling any popular and common myths and misconceptions that may have crept into your mind over time.
where all you ever need to add or take away from the tank is fish food. However, you're in for a tough ride and a very steep learning curve. However, if all you want is to care perfectly for your fish so they're happy and thrive, all you need is to easily achieve this is to follow the advice in this care sheet, which will take all of 20 minutes of your time each week.As long as these few basic rules are followed, this is all you need to have a happy, healthy well looked after betta. Though if you'd like to learn from a deeper discussion of each point raised in the graphic above, check out the betta care section at ItsAFishThing.com, where an article is dedicated to each point raised and will hold your hand through every aspect of betta care.
Contributing author Brian Hamilton has been a fish enthusiast since a child and although only a 'hobby fish keeper, ' over the years he has had more tanks and breeds of fish than he could care to mention. There's not a lot he hasn't studied, tried, tested and learnt from over the decades and now he likes to share his knowledge by posting on pet related sites around the web.