What temperature water do Betta fish like?

October 6, 2017
1+ images about Betts Fish
Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 1


  1. Know your fish. The dwarf gourami is one of the smallest of the Belontiidae Family. Which since they are 2 inches (5.1 cm) in size they would make a great center piece for a smaller community aquarium maybe the size of 20 gallons (75 Liters). Like most tropical fish, they appear vibrant. Female dwarf gouramies have faded color and aren't usually as common as males are. Males always come in a very bright variation and will come in:
    • Blue Powder
    • Red Flame
    • Green
  2. Get a big enough aquarium. Although the dwarf gourami is one of the smallest of it's family it should still be in an appropriate aquarium size. 15 gallons (54 Liters) is would be considered an appropriate tank size for a single gourami and a few other tank mates.Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 2 Only one gourami per aquarium or a pair but, should come from the SAME aquarium and the SAME store! Gouramis are like betta fish; they will attack fish that resemble the physical appearance of a betta fish.
  3. Get a Heater! All gouramies are tropical and should be housed in an aquarium with appropriate temperatures. An appropriate Temp would be ranging from 75F*-80F* (23*C).
  4. Selecting Tank Mates. Dwarf gouramies aren't considered aggressive but, will show aggression to other anatibids like: Betta fish, other gouramies, etc. Otherwise they are capable of living in an aquarium with community fish.
    • Can be housed with: Cory Catfish, Tetra, Angelfish, smaller Loaches, and other smaller fish or fish unlikely to bother it.
    • Fish unlikely to do well with dwarf gourami: Betta fish, Other Gouramis, and other Anatibids or fish with long fins and vibrant colors.
  5. Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 3 Decorations. Dwarf gouramies usually are quite shy fish. It would be best to keep a few Artificial/Live plants in the aquarium for it to hide. Driftwood can be used in the aquarium as well.
  6. Diet. An appropriate diet for the dwarf gourami would be tropical flakes or bloodworms. Other foods like frozen plankton do provide gouramies with appropriate nutrition. Some tropical foods contain color enhancers so the fish look more vibrant.
  7. Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 4 Acclimate your Gourami. For other fish as well, a dwarf gourami should acclimate 15-30 minutes to adjust to parameters of the water including temperature. Also be sure to gently take the gourami out of the bag (using a net) and be careful of not getting any water from the bag inside of the aquarium.

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  • They are labyrinth fish. Like all other species of gourami or other anatibids they're capable of taking in gulps of oxygen.
  • They're tropical fish, so you"ll need a heater!
  • Very peaceful fish.
  • 15 gallons (56 liters) is an appropriate aquarium size for a single dwarf gourami and a few other tank mates.


  • Although they are peaceful fish, they should not be housed in an aquarium with a betta or other fish that resemble the physical appearance of the betta fish.
  • Other variations of dwarf gourami should NOT be in the same aquarium. Unless, they came from the same aquarium in the same pet store.
Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 5 Image titled Care for a Dwarf Gourami Step 6
Source: www.wikihow.com
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