Betta breeding Supplies

March 30, 2019

Marina 5-Way Multi Breeder Trap Hatchery


The Marina Multi-Breeder is a multi-purpose breeding chamber that attaches easily to side of aquarium. A safe floating haven for live-bearing fish and fry, it has two separate areas for expectant fish and segregated bottom compartments that safely...

Marina Betta Barracks

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Marina Betta Barracks is a safe way to display and enjoy beautiful Siamese fighting fish in your community tank. Betta Barracks allows you to house up to four bettas at once in safe and separate chambers. The clear...

Marina Fish Net Breeder Hatchery


Marina Fish Net Breeder provides an ideal isolation chamber for sick or weak fish. The fine mesh netting allows free flow of water to keep oxygen levels up. It can also be used as a floating safety chamber...

Marina 3 in 1 Floating Breeding Trap


The Marina 3-in-1 Floating Breeding Trap comes with all the accessories for an all-in-one, self-contained live-bearer breeding tank. A safe floating haven for live-bearing fish and fry, it has a chamber for expectant fish and a V-shaped bottom...

Marina 2 in 1 Fish Hatchery


The Marina 2-in-1 Floating Fish Hatchery is ideal for breeding and raising fish in community aquariums. A safe floating haven for live-bearing fish and fry, it has two separate areas for expectant fish and segregated bottom compartments that...

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